Liebe Besucher:innen, die Website des Ideation & Prototyping Lab der Technologiestiftung wird nicht mehr aktualisiert, bleibt aber zu archivarischen Zwecken online. Unsere neueren Projekte findet ihr auf der Seite des CityLAB Berlin.

Zum CityLAB Berlin
Foto von Lucas Vogel
Lucas Vogel
Technology & Prototyping
Lucas Vogel is Creative Technologist in the Ideation & Prototyping Lab. He studied media design in Lausanne (ERACOM, Switzerland) and interface design in Potsdam (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam). He has worked as a front-end developer in various software companies. Through his curiosity, he has specialised as a generalist and enjoys taking on any challenge to find simple solutions to complex problems.
