Liebe Besucher:innen, die Website des Ideation & Prototyping Lab der Technologiestiftung wird nicht mehr aktualisiert, bleibt aber zu archivarischen Zwecken online. Unsere neueren Projekte findet ihr auf der Seite des CityLAB Berlin.

Zum CityLAB Berlin
Launch Project

Example HTML Project

In english

This week we launched our new app Badestellen Berlin. This was a joint effort of Kompetenzzentrum Wasser, Berliner Wasserbetriebe and the LaGeSo. The new application allows citizens to get up to date information on bathing water quality. Besides water quality information the site provides additional info on each site, for example, accessibility features or availability of toilets and parking lots. A link to a routing service and the local public transport service allow you to conveniently plan your next trip.

Up-to-date water quality information through shared data.

This week we launched our new app Badestellen Berlin. This was a joint effort of Kompetenzzentrum Wasser, Berliner Wasserbetriebe and the LaGeSo. The new application allows citizens to get up to date information on bathing water quality. Besides water quality information the site provides additional info on each site, for example. This week we launched our new app Badestellen Berlin. This was a joint effort of Kompetenzzentrum Wasser, Berliner Wasserbetriebe and the LaGeSo. The new application allows citizens to get up to date information on bathing water quality. Besides water quality information the site provides additional info on each site, for example.

Up-to-date water quality information.

This week we launched our new app Badestellen Berlin. This was a joint effort of Kompetenzzentrum Wasser, Berliner Wasserbetriebe and the LaGeSo. The new application allows citizens to get up to date information on bathing water quality. Besides water quality information the site provides additional info on each site, for example, accessibility features or availability of toilets and parking lots. A link to a routing service and the local public transport service allow you to conveniently plan your next trip.

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Up-to-date water quality information.

This week we launched our new app Badestellen Berlin. This was a joint effort of Kompetenzzentrum Wasser, Berliner Wasserbetriebe and the LaGeSo. The new application allows citizens to get up to date information on bathing water quality. Besides water quality information the site provides additional info on each site, for example, accessibility features or availability of toilets and parking lots. A link to a routing service and the local public transport service allow you to conveniently plan your next trip.

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“We are working at the intersection of the urban & science. We collaborate, ideate and develop. This week we launched our new app Badestellen Berlin.”

– Author Name, publication date
This is a subline, explaining the graphic above along one or two lines of code.
This is a subline, explaining the graphic above along one or two lines of code.
const foo = 'bah';
const create_csv_events = async() => {
    let csv_content = 'group; name';
    let json = await helper.read_json('./events_urls_berlin.json');

    await helper.async_for_each_two(json['events'], async (event_url) => {

        let event_data = await helper.read_json(event_url);
        await helper.async_for_each_two(event_data, async (single_event) => {

            if(single_event !== undefined && !== undefined) {
                let new_row = `${}; ${}`;
                csv_content = csv_content.concat(new_row);

    await helper.write_file(csv_content, 'events_frequencies_berlin.csv');